A look back at interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of April 2 - 8, 2011. Tutorials on Drupal mobile development, high-performance setups, and extension modules for Apache Solr, Services and Ubercart.
Drupal News
Great Posts and Tutorials This Week
Configuring Varnish for High-Availability with Multiple Web Servers
Four Tips for Training Clients on a Drupal CMS
Organizing a DrupalCamp - A Short How-To
How We Architected the CSS for Views on D7
Interesting New Modules and Themes
Search API Saved Searches - Save searches and be notified by email of changes.
Data Services - Quickly expose a DB table as a JSON service.
ApacheSolr Pages - Create pages that are actually a preset search in Apache Solr. We built something just like this for Drupal 6 in January.
Apache Solr Node Exclude - Adds a checkbox to the node form to exclude a node from Solr search.
Ubercart Optional Checkout Review - Makes the review button on the Ubercart checkout page optional (set by store admin).