A look back at interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week: May 25 - June 1, 2012.
Drupal News
DrupalCon Munich: Conference Sessions and Trainings Announced
Dries Buytaert: Spark update: in-line editing in Drupal
Great Posts and Tutorials
Services 3.x Module - Webinar Video
Using State Machine with State Flow to build powerful workflows
Lullabot: Module Monday: Exclude Node Title
WYSIWYG Module + CKEditor Part Deux
Interesting New Modules
Context path breadcrumb - Uses URL of the current page (for example /our-company/our-team/steve) to build the breadcrumbs. (Our Company > Our Team > Steve)
Search API Combined Fields - Allows the creation of combined fields for the Search API. This means a single field can contain the values from multiple other fields.
Facebook Publish - allows the user to post a link to a Facebook wall for the node been created or updated.
PDF Review - Allows users with the rights to comment different part of a PDF Document.
Overlay theme - Set the theme that is used in the admin overlay.
Drippy - the drupal assistant. - A Clippy-like assistant for Drupal.
Content reminder - Allows you to set a reminder notification to content.
Views Megarow - Provides modal-like functionality for opening pages and forms in megarows (rows inserted into a table below the triggering row).
Google Cloud Storage - Allows you to replace the local server file system with Google Cloud Storage.
Fieldable vocabularies - Makes taxonomy vocabularies fieldable.