The Week in Drupal: October 12, 2012

A look back at interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week: October 5 - 12, 2012.


Drupal News

Drupal Association News: Election Results

Drupal core announcements: Backbone or other JS MVC framework in core

Drupal core announcements: Proposal: Do core security releases on different dates than bugfix releases

First mobile usability test of D8

Great Posts and Tutorials

Let’s Talk About PCI Compliance for Ubercart and Drupal Commerce

Views Quality Checklist

& Contrib Responsibly">Hacking Core & Contrib Responsibly

Content Syndication Using Services and Feeds

Drupal distros sound great, but….”

Interesting New Modules

jQuery webks Responsive Tables - An adapter module to integrate jQuery Plugin webks: Responsive Tables into Drupal and make it fit the Drupal specific requirements (like table headers, form tables and others).

Field formatter conditions - Adds conditions to field formatters.

Apache Solr Parallel Indexing - Uses multiple threads to Index content 4 to 6 times faster than normal.

Google Civic - Uses the Google Civic API to provide a polling place locator block and polling place display page.

Webform Submission UUID - Provides a UUID integration for Webform Submissions allowing them to be integrated with external Services, such as with the Webform Service module.

LinkIt UUID - Allows LinkIt module targets to be stored by their UUID, which allows them to survive a migration or syndication to another site.

Node Display Field - Allows a node’s default display mode to be overridden by a field.

Field Collection Tab formatter - Provides a field formatter that allows you to output a multi value field collection field as a tabset, with one tab per field collection item.

ImageField EPS - enables Drupal to provide “pseudo-native” handling of the EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) vector format by providing a custom field to serve this purpose. EUploaded EPS files are converted to PNG for display and can be processed by Imagecache just as files uploaded using the regular image field.

Features AGHAH - Fixes the AJAX checkbox performance issues on Features for Drupal 6.

Wayne Eaker
October 12, 2012