A look back at interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week: October 26 - November 2, 2012.
Drupal News
Drupal 8 announcements: Proposal for RESTful entity API
Drupal 8 announcements: Don’t reimplement support for arbitrary tail paths
Great Posts and Tutorials
Talking to Drupal with Node.js
Creating a Drupal Slideshow with Views Slideshow
Moving Forward with Open Atrium 2.0
Making Drupal more User Friendly
Announcing PixGather - A mobile app to upload pictures to a Drupal site.
Corralling permissions into a grid
Memory usage revisited: when the Open Buffet is not to blame, rather Views
Message-subscribe — A New Subscription System
Interesting New Modules
Transclude - Defines an input filter that uses special tags to insert the contents of an external web page into text. For example, this can be useful is as a way of inserting the text of Wikipedia articles into nodes and having that text automatically updated whenever the Wikipedia article changes.
Word Link - Allows you to replace certain words with links.
Responsive Preview - View the site in different sizes easily with this module. A toolbar is displayed at the top with the configured resolutions. Click one and an iframe appears with the correct size applied. Great for developing responsive designs.
Apache Solr Document Links - Adds indexing of external links the Apache Solr Search Integration module.
Taxonomy Tree Block - Generates blocks of formatted taxonomy menu blocks (in a tree format) on a vocabulary basis.
Bulk User Delete - Allows you to bulk delete users through the admin interface. You provide a list of email addresses, one per line, and the users are deleted using the batch processing API.
Drifter - Allows any field to be floated left or right by providing a simple field formatter setting. A common use-case is floating images off to the side of a node.
Taxonomy Node Type - Automatically adds a taxonomy term to a node based on the node type.
Drupal Commerce MailChimp - This module integrates Drupal Commerce with the Mailchimp API’s ECommerce 360 feature for tracking store statistics for email campaigns sent via MailChimp.
Context Resolution - Extends the Context module with two additional conditions that enable developers to adapt to the users current screen resolution or browser width/height by using context reactions.
Date Facets - Provides date range facets similar to major search engines. (“Past hour”, “Past 24 hours”, “Past week”, etc.)
OG Invite People - Adds a missing invite functionality for OG 7.x-2.x.
Media OG Access - Allows limiting media browser list to media in current group or group subscriptions that the current user is a member of.